I wrote this 4 years ago. Nothing has changed despite numerous lets tackle obesity strategies. Cycling though... Nice idea but nobody is obese because they don't have a free bike. Our environment makes it so difficult to eat healthily and move more... https://theconversation.com/childhood-obesity-plan-forgets-about-babies-and-toddlers-64178
Those in the least privileged circumstances find it the hardest and have the highest obesity rates. Poverty, stress, long working hours, run down neighbourhoods, a lack of community, cheap junk food, a lack of skill and culture around food preparation and meals ...
...houses too small to fit a dining table in, no childcare or time to fit in bike rides ... those things lead to obesity not a simple lack of a bike.

We need to change the environment to one that enables and promotes healthier lifestyles from the start.
Breastfeeding where possible which means better support

Responsive bottle feeding when not

Delayed and gradual introduction to solids

A weaning approach where baby is in control however they are fed

Exposure to lots of different tastes and textures
Banning promotion of unnecessary follow on and toddler formulas

Stopping promotion of snacks dressed up as healthy baby foods

Basically preventing industry from interference in something so important
And then... supporting families to have more time together

Supporting maternal mental health

Longer maternity leave

Better financial support for new families

The list goes on... but let's start from the beginning & look at the real causes
Ps sorry for headless overweight baby image - not appropriate
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