A Training Philosophy for Hardcore, Drug-free Lifters

1) Abbreviated Routines focused on basic, compound movements

Squats, DLs, Chin-ups, Rows, Bench Presses, Overhead presses and some Accessory movements should be the movements that form your training program
2) Progressive resistance

More strength equals more muscle

3) Reps between 6 and 10, 2-3 sets per movement

4) Rest 3 minutes or more between sets
5) Track your progress


6) Programs that look sexy on paper suck in reality

Consistent work on the basics over instinctive training and

trendy routines / courses.
7) Read Beyond Brawn by Stuart McRobert

Follow Martin Berkhan @Martinberkhan and Leangains

8) Perfect your form on the basic movements

Become a Squat and Deadlift blackbelt!
9) Spend 6 months on an abbreviated routine, before trying any other workout program.

Your future self will thank you for it.

It took me a lot of self-experimenting and failed attempts to arrive at a successful training philosophy. The main reason was point 6.
Don’t make the same mistake. Focus on the basics and you WILL succeed, but it takes time.

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