So lots of you are struggling to find a job rn. Firstly, I wanna say don’t be so hard on yourself & understand what’s going on around you. We are in a pandemic, business are struggling, most businesses have been negatively effected; so, lockdown has meant businesses close,
Meaning they haven’t made profit, still have bills and overheads to pay, the longer this goes on for, the more redundancies we are going to see. But don’t lose hope!
What will gradually happen is, these companies will make redundancies, restructure with cheaper labour - they will rehire again but there may be a grey area where there is no one doing that job.
Hiring at the moment, is mainly more senior and mid level job roles. Remember there are lots of people who have been made redundant - so those with experience and a good CV are getting seen to first. We are in a client lead market, meaning
clients (businesses) have full choice and access to lots of talent. This is not to dishearten you, but to make you understand how things are working & what needs to be done.
It’s important to keep on applying, but if you’re applying the same pattern and getting the same result something needs to change. If you’re getting interviews but getting rejected - great! this means your CV is good - but you need to work on your interview skills.
Perhaps you’re talking about leaving a job negatively, or you’re talking about how you didn’t like a certain manager etc. It’s so important NOT to be negative! If a manager was mean to you, maybe you just say “I left so I could study/find a role/environment that was right for me”
So guys please don’t talk badly about anything you’ve done or that’s happened. Remember the things you’ve learnt from those experiences and turn it into something positive!
Also, after interviews - so a few days later when you get rejected- try to ask for feedback - call in and ask or send an email if you’ve been unsuccessful. You can work on whatever you’ve been told to. If it’s not enough examples, then try think of some for your next interview.
CVs; so I see sooo many in a day. Some are great, some are awful. Your CV, keep it word format pleasee (PDF gets messed up!!), recruiters hate them and they can look weird for businesses too.
Right so format of CV, name at the top, area&postcode, number, email. If you want a personal profile you can, I don’t really like them- they’re subjective. Next add in your education - as clearly and simply as possible- if you have had good grades PUT THEM IN! If you don’t- leave
Them out... just say 10 GCSEs A-C -
Then your experience- PLEASE PUT YOUR EXPERIENCE IN WITH THE MOST RECENT THING AT THE TOP! if you’ve been a waitress for 4 months and have experience of working as an engineer - maybe put in a line about being a waitress
Then elaborate on your engineering stuff. Lots of people have bullet points and weird stuff saying • organised •good time keeping etc. Don’t put that in - demonstrate how you’ve done that!! So instead try;
•producing and presenting sales reports once a week for the General Manager ensuring deadlines are kept to.
Make sure you look at the job spec, look at your CV, use similar wording and match up the two to get an interview. If the business wants someone who has been part of a system implementation project then add that into your CV! Explain what systems too!
After your experience, add your systems knowledge - people want to know how good you are on these depending on what job you’re going for.
You may want to add another section that includes achievements, charity work etc. Hobbies etc can be added but pls don’t put down gym - I mean I delete these - think about standing out and writing about things that others haven’t!
Also you don’t need your face on your Cv - seen lots of people uploading selfies onto CVs? Lol why?? 😂
Next; I know everyone‘a like “🙄🙄 LinkedIn” but are you using it right?? Don’t just post and go, network!! DM hiring managers!! Post positive relevant posts! Not slagging off how hard it is to find a job & no ones coming back to you!
Remember businesses don’t have people in them at the moment - so if they haven’t come back to you, yeah fairs it’s bad but everyone’s literally running on limited resource.
Which goes onto my next point. “I’ve contacted lots of agencies but no one is coming back to me” i mean, most agencies have furloughed 90% of their staff. Not many jobs out there, clients able to hire directly as lots of talent, we aren’t able to do our job how we did before
So make contact with agencies - be polite, talk thru what you want - you’ll be remembered and considered whenever there is a job. So keep applying and don’t keep your eggs in the same basket!
I know grads must be stressing right now - I mean I think I would too. Get some work experience using LinkedIn in the area you want it. I did a 3 month mini pupilage at the high court of justice from messaging someone! People will take free labour! Don’t let your Cv get stale!
Like I said, hiring will pick up!! It will mean that businesses will want cheaper labour so it will be better for grads! Just get some experience for free! Dont think you’re above free labour cause you’re a grad. Once you’re in the real world, that’s when the real world starts!
If anyone thinks I’ve missed something lemme know ask questions - happy to help!
You can follow @DeeDeeFlora.
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