When a literal Nazi who went by several account names based around "White Europe" targeted me with antisemitic hate for 2 months Twitter did nothing. Gas chambers, screengrabs of photos of my grandparents and great-parents, Nazi propaganda pics, all used against me by that troll.
However I have decided I will not be leaving Twitter for 48 hours to send some sort of message because I don't want to leave a website where for 2 days the racists have free rein. I'll stay here calling out their bullshit.
And if one shit-for-brains absolute melt shows up in my mentions saying something racist of any variety be prepared to feel my wrath. I have a lot of it and I can be a reeeeaaaal asshole.
Oh, and I've just checked and "White Europe" is still operating under a new account, active since 2014, RTing antisemitic, anti-black, anti-Muslim hate speech by the likes of Mark Collett etc.
I don't want to poke that bear again, it was vile at the time. But it's there.

Hey btw @jack @twitter...if you ban suspend Trump's account it will win your bird site a LOT of fans.
OH BTW! Facebook banned me from livestreaming for 30 DAYS coz I posted a picture of a brand of ice-cream you can get in India with the image of a certain 30s/40s German dictator on it with the caption "wish I could have a cool refreshing [dictator's name] ice cream right now".
The ban was received 8 minutes after I posted the image. So these things CAN be dealt with swiftly even if they get it COMPLETELY WRONG. They don't HAVE to leave the likes of Wiley, Hopkins et al long after their hate has spread far and wide.
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