Just found out that apparently some trans women don't know how to code?!?
This got extremely out of hand, so to clarify:

1 - The education required to learn is not accessible to all, particularly black trans women and those in poverty. This stereotype only applies to a minority of privileged, mainly white folks, often with established careers.
2- I never intended this to be taken as anything other than a joke about a tired stereotype, not as literally as it has been. "Some people actually think this?!?" was the tone I aimed for, light-hearted sarcasm - but I can see that wasn't clear.
3 - Some of you have assumed I'm in the tech industry, and I can see how that would make this infinitely worse, but I have never learned coding/programming. That's not to say I lack privilege, because I don't, but I was coming from the angle of someone who also cannot code.
4 - Genuine apologies for any offence caused. I agree with the people criticising this. Here's a good thread that breaks down why it's such a known stereotype in the white trans community and why that's not a good thing: https://twitter.com/9BillionTigers/status/1287917677181190146
5 - One of the main barriers to education is financial. I gained a bunch of followers from this, so I'd like to use that and retweet trans people's fundraisers over the next day or so. If you, or a someone you know need a boost please reply to this tweet with a link.


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