That recent tweet about taking rights away from trans women because we allegedly didn't earn them in real time? The guy who said that and those who agreed? That's what they want for all women. Cis men treat trans women in public the way they treat cis women in private.
Cis men openly fantasizing about taking rights away from *any* women regardless of history are not allies to any women, regardless of history. They're not defending cis women. They're indulging in what they want to do to all women whether cis, trans, white, Black, disabed, abled.
Gender critical men aren't in it to defend cis women. Oh, they do love the white knight aspect of it, but they're telling us all exactly who they are every time they scold trans women or any cis woman who's an ally to trans people. And no the cis gay GC men are not safer.
GC gay man sets out to prove me right.
I didn't @ this guy. I didn't even mention him by name. I had no idea he existed. Within two minutes of a trans femme writing a thread about gender critical men he violates my boundaries, harasses me, calls me a man at least three times. This guy proved me right on every count.
Don't trust cis men who are this deeply invested in controlling the definition of "woman" and "lesbian."
Also for the love of whatever god you choose:

* Trans panic isn't real, it's a legal defense used to get away with murder
* Transmisogyny is the misogyny directed at trans women, and is not separate from misogyny
* If you're a cis dude it's not your place to interpet trans women
Tired of allies trying to explain transphobia to trans people, but also how practically zero allies acknowledge transmisogyny or that it is connected in any way to misogyny.
"Yes, I, a cis male trans ally, am here to reassure that cis men's hatred of trans women in no way reflects any kind of hatred, disdain, or contempt for cis women. They're totally separate! Haha, I'm such a good ally."
"In fact hatred of trans women has nothing to do with cis women or really women at all. It's just a fear of having sex with a man. I'm such a great ally."
Transmisogyny erasure = block I don't even care anymore.
If you don't know what transmisogyny is please read this primer. It's not a complete definition, but it is a starting point. Virtually all of the hate trans women get is transmisogyny and mired in misogyny.
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