This will be an ongoing thread on high-paying writing opportunities collected from various sources. Below are mostly specialized publications that pay really well. Good luck!
#PitchToThisEditor  is looking for entertainment pitches with a focus on reported features, high-profile interviews, and extremely good columnists. Pitch to [email protected]. pay $1,500 for 2000 words for reported stories on Christian institutions. It's a biweekly, online magazine for Christian leaders. Send pitches to [email protected].
Outside Magazine covers adventure, gear, travel, sports, fitness, health, culture, and the environment. They are interested in pitches from women, BIPOC, LGBT+, and other diverse voices. Pay starts at $0.50 per word. 
Pando is accepting pitches! "We're particularly looking for interesting tech culture analysis pieces, fresh perspectives on the tech news cycle, and underreported stories."
Send pitches to [email protected]
Pay $0.25 to $1.00  is looking for more BIPOC voices for steady, long-term freelance writing and editing positions. Pay is $100+ for most articles depending on length.
Pitch to [email protected]  is always looking for new voices to write on history, science, entertainment, language, pop culture, art etc etc. You can pitch Listicles or feature stories. Pay is upwards of $150 (depends on length, work involved)
Pitch here: [email protected]
TOGGL BLOG is looking for pitches for reported pieces, explainers, feature stories, interviews and personal essays on work culture, workplace trends and technology, productivity hacks and time management.
Pitch here:
Fee: $150-500
You can subscribe to my newsletter if you want a weekly round-up of the opportunities posted in this thread that will land in your inboxes on Tuesdays.
[It's not necessary to subscribe if you are not keen - I will be updating the thread here]
You can follow @nilanjanab.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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