If you are on your backside, in a dark place mentally, there is help available, everywhere. From your personal family and friends, to the NHS and charities, there are people who can help you get back on track. If you can't see it or you are unable to reach out yourself,
ask someone to help you. There is no shame in saying you're ill. Mental ill health can incapacitate you as much as physical ill health. Your friends and family care about you. They will help you. But they can't help you if they don't know you need it...
the hardest part of my journey was admitting to myself that maybe this was a battle I couldn't win on my own. The second hardest part was motivating myself to swallow my pride when I was at my lowest ebb and phone a friend (he made me promise to do it when i
was at my lowest. So I'd ring him. I hated doing it. He'd answer, and ask "how's tricks". I'd simply reply "not good" or words to that effect. Sometimes he'd say nothing a d just listen, other times he would make small talk. He'd always suggest I reach out to a charity for help.
It took a while, but eventually, because I'd been regularly admitting to him that I was in tatters, I plucked up the courage to walk into a local charity. It is the most difficult thing I have ever done, bar none. I felt like a failure. But when I walked out later I felt hope.
That was two years ago. I was helped by multiple organisations and individuals. This only happened because I plucked up the courage to ask for help in the first place. Don't get me wrong, sometimes the first place you go to for help does not make it easy for you...but those are
in the minority. If it happens, try and find somewhere else, your family and friends will help you. You just have to ask. Don't be disheartened by the picture being painted on social saying there is no help for you. There is. It is everywhere.
I have been helped by the @supportourparas, @TheParachuteReg @NHSuk @supportthewalk, @Rugby4Heroes @3_5_3 @HelpforHeroes @PoppyLegion and many individuals along the way.

Remember the friend that I mentioned? What if I'd never called him.
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