Dear married man,
I am sure you have read and heard stories of how married women are told to accept any child their husbands fathers out of wedlock to prove that they are virtuous women. I advise you to be that way, be virtuous. If you discover your wife has produced one or two
kids from outside, be virtuous and take them in. This is what marriage is all about. Don't lose your home because of that.
You cannot prevent your wife from seeing other handsome men. It will take the grace of God for her not to cheat but if it happens, just understand that she
only human. Forgive your wife and don't let the strange man win your home. The strange man is out to ruin your home, they are agents of the devil. Don't loose your wife to him. Hold your wife's hands and pray the strange man out of her life.
A wise man builds his home. Love your
wife like never before during this period. Make love to her more often so she can quickly forget about the other man. Fight for your marriage oh virtuous man, fight for your wife on your knees in the WAR ROOM. Intercede for your marriage because if you loose her to him he will
take your place. Guard your home oh virtuous man.
Once the strange man is out, never bring up the issue again. Forgive and forget about it.
Now, if your wife has the habit of sleeping with different men, it is most likely your fault because it is a proof you have failed as a
virtuous man. There's something you are not giving her at home. It is because you have failed in your responsibilities as a man. Sit down and think about why your wife is straying. Do you watch her favourite channels? Do you dress well and smell nice for her? Strange men out
there know how to do all those things.
Satisfy her needs and please don't stop praying for her. Don't lose your home because she is cheating. Intercede for your marriage, sacrifice yourself for her, with time God will touch her and she will change.
How does ALL THESE sounds?
Yes!!! It is.
That is what most women are subjected to.
Stop preaching such trash to women.
Have a nice day
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