I have appreciated John MacArthur’s preaching ministry over the years. I listened today, and I’m confused about why he chose the numbers he did for his COVID math. He focuses on the 8,300 COVID deaths in CA out of 39 million Californians, (1/5)
or as he puts it, 21/100,000 (what he calls a .02% death rate). But why focus on that number given all of the restrictions we’ve put in place in the last five months? Why does John think that 99.98% of people will not die from this, especially if we follow Grace’s lead? (2/5)
Isn’t this number bound to change if we all move forward in the way that they have? From what I understand, 2%-3.5% of people who get COVID, die from it. I have no idea what the consequences would be if we all opened up as they have. (3/5)
What would happen if all churches/orgs followed Grace’s lead by gathering w/o distancing and w/o masks indoors? I understand that John and GCC don’t see COVID as particularly dangerous, and I commend their church for desiring to gather; (4/5)
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