I’ve started seeing posts about how Biden is just as bad as Trump, don’t vote for him, vote third party, don’t vote, etc., and guys. GUYS. This bullshit is what lost us the 2016 election. Like, okay. I was heavily involved in the Bernie Sanders 2016 campaign.
I worked for his campaign in Pennsylvania. I spent 6-7 hours working for his campaign on weekdays, when I would go to the office after my classes let out for the day. On weekends, my days were 12-14 hours. Lowball figure, I probably spent at least 200 hours there in a month.
This is to demonstrate how I felt about Hilary Clinton. I spent a few hundred hours as a 19 year old college freshman working for her opponent in the primaries. But you know what? When Bernie lost the nomination, I got the fuck over myself and voted Hilary.
If there hadn’t been the third party voters and those who stayed home because their preferred candidate lost the primaries, we could be in a very different place right now. We SHOULD be in a very different place right now. But, instead, here we are…
-secret police are kidnapping protestors
-secret police?????????
-apparently exercising your freedom of speech peacefully in public is a crime now
-concentration camps for immigrants
-a literal pandemic is a partisan issue
-rollback of lgbt protections
The list goes on and on, but it’s 2am and I’m in pain and angry and so, so tired. I don’t have the energy to remind you all why re-electing Trump is a TERRIBLE idea. We’re all living in the United States he’s created, and, more importantly, we’re dying in it.
Black and brown people are dying disproportionately, especially if they’re also lgbt. Poor whites are dying. People are dying, for real. This isn’t a hypothetical model. And all Trump cares about is his ego and the money in his pocket.
Common sense and science may as well not exist. Constitutional rights (that the right claim SO MUCH to care about) may as well not exist. People are dying, people are getting hurt, and this is going to continue until we can get the government to do something about it.
You think another Trump presidency is going to fix this? Hell no. Another Trump presidency is going to be another four years of spiraling deeper into hell.
Get over yourselves and vote for Biden. Vote blue down the ticket. We can’t start to make real change until the current government is gone. Because as much as I am all for burning it all down and starting over, we have to start with the government on our side.
Or, as much on our side as a government can be.
Anyway, this has been a 2am rant about vote Democrat even if you don’t actually like Biden. This is bigger than just one man.
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