
What is Mind, Is meditation a way to make it calm, peaceful and serene?

our mind is like water. The way water keeps flowing. Mind also keeps flowing sometimes into past sometimes into future.
If something good has happened into past it glorifies that or may get stuck some other times if something bad has happened. In simple words if there are a lot of dust particles/ impurities in the water we can’t see into the bottom or we can’t see anything clearly into it.
But if the water is pure crystal clear and all particles settled in it we can see everything in it. Similarly if lots of information, impressions, stress or anxiety in the mind, then mind gets agitated. What happens when we meditate regularly,
It helps to remove all the unnecessary impressions or anxiety from the mind. When mind becomes peaceful calm and serene, crystal clear like water, we become more creative and innovative.

Learning happens fast. Whatever we have learnt it becomes easy to recall that.
Memorising ability improves. intellect becomes more sharp. That’s the benefit when we Meditate regularly.

One can’t understand this at the level of intellect. Meditation is something which one has to experience and become efficient into it to get best out of it.
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