I really just walked passed a cop who opened the door for me and I ignored him bc you know men. And he said don’t call us if you ever get raped ... a cop just said this to me
this was a male VCU Polixe officer with a female police officer with him who did not say a single thing @VCUPD @VCU
I wasn’t able to get his badge number bc I was immediately triggered but vcupd did reach out to me in order to email them what happened last night. The only reason why I didn’t say thank you and ignored the cop was because I was coming back from a protest heading to a 7/11 near..
My place just to get a toothbrush. My friend that was with me and I were talking about how/ where calling cops pigs came from thus I stayed quiet and ignored him bc of the way my friend and I were dressed and bc we though he overheard our convo
And as someone who has been raped, that comment from someone who is supposedly protecting us students was extremely triggering and disgusting
And honestly with everything going on in Richmond, we don’t know what cops will do to us. Before I went there they arrested people for just walking in the street at MP. A lot of us BIPOC have reasons to be fearful. And honestly I’m glad I didn’t say thank you to an oppressor
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