Paleolibertarians literally spent all of last week about how they were going to show no sympathy towards the protesters in Portland, Suggesting that they would rather have the feds blackbag them, than protect their right to freely assemble.
And then on Saturday night, A fellow libertarian and civil rights activist by the name of Garrett Foster was shot by a random civilian driving his/her car. The APD confirmed that Foster did not fire his AK-47.
Myself, Fakertarians, and members of the LP seem to be a couple of the many few that were outraged at Foster's death. But the rest of our quadrant, wanted to throw him under the bus, because he was protesting with BLM.
An organization that does have a Marxist in the ranks, but most supporters of the movement are just protesting for civil rights. Kinda of like how the media tries to connect Boog Bois to the far-right. Same shut here.
And because of Foster's mere association with BLM, the Paleos would rather paint him as a communist and not mourn the death of a fellow libertarian.
This is the kinda shut that leads to people believing that libertarians are crypto-fascists or just Republicans who like to smoke weed.
Anyway, this is something I've wanted to get off my back about. Since I've researched and looked into this case further and further.
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