"butches have masc privilege" so do i get that before or after i get run out of the bathroom for being a man, told i'm aggressive and cold, and told i'm making femmes perform emotional labor/not giving any in return despite bleeding myself dry to come off as nonthreatening
like i have a laundry list of ways that butches are treated as the bottom rung of the fucking ladder in sapphic town but people just can't seem to grasp that masc privilege really only applies if you're read as a man and otherwise it just puts a target on your back
butches constantly soften ourselves, make ourselves pure and wholesome, all so we won't offend feminine ppl/femmes, and yet we're still seen as violent walking dildos that are basically just Men Lite and you call that shit PRIVILEGE? i'm fucking incensed
like im so sorry to just rant on people's TLs but im genuinely just so hurt and angry rn
feminine sapphics consistently say things like "break my spine daddy" & "punch me in the face" and see me as a violent, Man Lite, walking sex object who's just a monolith of satisfying their emotional needs only and yet im somehow enacting patriarchal violence on them
"i hope for the sake of the femmes in your life you grow out of this myopic and violent worldview" i hope god visits the very best of the ten plagues on you you absolute butchphobe
if your response to a butch trying to tell you that butches being seen as violent men lite doesn't actually count as masc privilege and getting irritated you won't listen is "this is a violent worldview" you absolutely suck and also you're MEGA butchphobic
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