For those of you who don't understand why using the word "Fa**ot" is deeply wrong in any context, or why the lesser use of homophobic language calling bad things "That's so gay".

Let's look at some stats and history of the modern GLBTQ community:
The first raid on a gay bath house in NYC occurred in 1903.

Raids like these were common place nation wide until the gay rights movements of the 70's/80's.

One of the most well known raids caused the Stonewall Riot of 1969.
In the 1930's besides for the extreme homophobia in the usa and the rest of the world, GLBTQ people were put into concentration camps by the Nazis, and many were killed.

To make matters worse, after the war ended, many of those released from camps went to prison as it was still
a crime to be gay.

In fact the prison records of many people locked up for being gay are still archived in many countries, even though glbtq activists have seeked to have those recods expunged.

If we want look at rates of murder, or acts of violence against GLBTQ+ people:
be prepared to be deeply sad and concerned.

Transgender women, people of color, and gay men face the highest risk of homicide.

And when you do report crime:
Of those survivors reporting to the police, 32% reported experiencing
hostile attitudes from the police in 2013, a slight increase from 27% in 2012.

Also want to know the last time the "Gay Panic" defense worked to prevent justice on a murder:

Lets look at mental health.

Until 1973 the APA still considered homosexuality a mental health "disease".

And only removed the term: Gender Identity Disorder in... 2012.

GLBTQ+ people, especially youth are at the highest risk of: suicide, harassment, and bullying.
The reason these stats are so high: Maybe because you can be discriminated for on housing and exployment in 28 state.

Curious as to what % of americans think gay relationships should be illegal as of 2020: 24%
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