Why Testing is undeservedly overhated (A Thread I Guess)
The good ol Testing album by A$AP Rocky has been subject to a lot of criticism, not only by music reviewers but also from fans themselves. In my opinion, We'll see why I think this hate is pretty undeserved and why your wrong.
(I'm posting these in real time btw, Please be patient for posts)
In these few tracks, It's very obvious that Flacko is moving away from his past style with http://Long.Live .A$VP and his last project before testing, AT.LONG.LAST.A$AP and to another field of sound and music.
I feel like this in as itself actually helps Testing in multiple ways. Normally when an artist moves to this type of field, The music noticeably sounds weak and pretty unpolished and cut, Especially on an artist on this caliber.
The fact that an artist can hold onto this type of style on this album without any normal major weaknesses that come along with it as actually pretty astonishing.
The reverb style, sampling and production on this album helps as well honestly, It's cloudy atmosphere helps generate some new kind of style for Rocky's music and opens some future opportunities with him as well but what we are getting right now, it's more than passable.
Song's like Praise the lord, Fukk Sleep, and Hu43rd is a prime example of this and it's very amazing how it turned out in the long run. I'm very impressed by this. Same goes for flows and it's custom psychedelic vibe.
This album also gets political (Sort of), Talking about certain problems in the United States and even talking about how people view people and sexuality and that's just the beginning with songs like "Gunz N Butter" and "Kids turned out fine"
If we aren't talking in-depth or production on this album and just about bangers, well, Testing delivers that too with hard hitting tracks like OG Beeper and Tony Tone. A surprise to nobody may I add.
Of course, It isn't all sunshine and rainbows. There are certain problems that this album does face like its inconsistent tracklist (or sound in some places) which makes it pretty confusing on what rocky is trying to do, It noticeably lacks when compared to his past albums.
But of course, This is just my opinion. I'm just here to have my take on why some of the hate this album deservers is unreasonable. I'm interested to hear your takes on my opinion as well. I'm open for criticisms and feedback.

Testing isn't an album, It's an experience.
(this is going to get aired so hard rn)
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