I feel like there is a HUGE amount of people in my generation who are recognizing that capitalism is a failed (and murderous and bloodthirsty) system, but people are not learning about the actual way OUT of capitalism (socialism!)
due to the anti-communist propaganda of the US it’s taboo to even talk about socialism. and then there’s this warping of what socialism means, with US cultures saying that capitalist states with welfare programs are “socialist”
mostly what I can say is if you consider yourself “left” but aren’t politically aligned besides that label, do yourself a favor and read some theory and history. here is a massive list of free resources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kwDGZFH2-jFr4xZ2ynxQkihYwIVh_uZlp1-Q73uXzso/mobilebasic
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