i just.... what? I expected better @TheReadingRush. As someone who hosted sprints this week, did a live read-in, & has been vlogging most of the week, I'm incredibly disappointed by this performative activism. Especially because Such A Fun Age IS SUCH A FREAKING GOOD BOOK. 1/3
and to not put the time and effort into supporting BIPOC voices even though you PROMISED you would? that shit's messed up. It is easy for those who have always been heard to brush off the voices of those who are not. and that was really freakin demonstrated today. 2/3
anyways, i just wanted to be clear about how i feel about this. and I CANNOT WAIT for the @dablackhotties discussion of Such A Fun Age in august because that book has LAYERSS to unpack and who better to do it than these wonderful humans 😍 3/3
also to be clear regardless of whether Such A Fun Age is amazing—there should have been enough care and consideration and just straight up respect to read the book by a black author that was chosen for this book club. we ain't about no respectability shit
ALSO the SHEER IRONY of this situation!! if ya'll have read Such A Fun Age then you KNOW. this book is LITERALLY about performative allyship among the many other things it discusses and i just.... âŹ‡ïž
guess i'm not editing my vlog tonight,, but what i will do is film an extra bit for the end of the video so i can unpack the greatness of Such A Fun Age & how life imitates art..... ok i'll stop adding to this thread now lmao bye
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