On this 30th annivesary of the ADA, I want to talk about HR 620 (The ADA Education and Reform Act), which is currently sitting in the Senate and would significantly weaken the ADA in several ways; for example, it would make it significantly harder for disabled people to (1/3)
Bring civil suits against businesses for violating the ADA. You can read more about it here: http://cdrnys.org/blog/disability-politics/how-the-ada-will-be-hurt-by-ada-education-and-reform-act-of-2017/
HR 620 places undue burden on the shoulders of disabled people to fight for our own civil liberties. Please, on this #ADA30, I urge you to contact your (2/3)
Senators and ask them to oppose this disastrous bill, because the ADA is weak and poorly enforced as is. HR 620 would only make it easier for businesses to skirt their legal requirements under the ADA. You can find your Senators' contact info here: https://www.senate.gov/senators/contact (3/3)
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