I’d really like for all the media commentators who glorified these riots (before they knew the slightest thing about who was perpetrating them, or what the impact would be) to take a look at this. Or are we just going to memory-hole their pro-riot enthusiasm? (Of course we will)
Democrats and their media allies have a clear political motive to downplay what happened here. But you’re also not going to get an accurate narrative from Low IQ right-wing media who spin everything in their own dumbass fashion. So the people left out are the actual victims
Also want to emphasize how un-complicated what I’ve done here is. I’m not claiming this is intrepid investigative journalism. I simply drove around the country, interviewed people, took photos/videos, etc. Not rocket science. So, ask yourself why so few journalists did the same
FYI, I'll have something specific to Portland in a few days, as what's going on here is sort of its own animal. Also considering doing Medium posts more often because this has already gotten a very large response. (I used to post on Medium or near-daily...)
Countless people I have met would be perfect subjects for a heartfelt "60 Minutes" retrospective on "The Riots of 2020." Minority immigrant business owners living "The American Dream," until one day vigilante whites come to town... But no such retrospectives have been forthcoming
The current political climate is such that no major media outlet would find this kind of "retrospective" tolerable, given their fear of internal staff revolts and "helping Trump." It's wild that the most widespread riots in *at least 50+ years* have been essentially covered up
The ultimate issue here is narrative construction. If you've preemptively decided that this "movement" is an unambiguous moral good, then of course you're not going to construct a narrative which might undermine that perception. If this requires ignoring historic events, so be it
As always, if anyone can explain what I've gotten wrong here -- or in other words, make the case that the coverage has accurately captured the scope of these riots -- I'm all ears. Because the discrepancy between my first-hand observations and the national narrative is insane
As long as this piece is, there is so much more I could have included. I didn't even include everything from this one Twitter thread: https://twitter.com/mtracey/status/1277339435257024516

So, this piece isn't the end of the coverage. Thanks to readers/viewers who make it possible! https://twitter.com/mtracey/status/1277999059064799233
The huge reaction this piece has already received solidifies my belief that the real-world consequences of what's occurred over the past two months has been nowhere close to adequately conveyed. Otherwise it wouldn't have taken dopey old me to inform people!
How poorly it reflects on leftists that relaying the stories of immigrants and minorities directly affected by the riots is considered some kind of right-wing "grift" and presumptively illegitimate. If that's "grift," maybe you are just delusional https://twitter.com/BsideRare/status/1287923508899713030
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