It's been forever but I'm thinking about THAT scene in Game of Thrones again and am literally shaking with rage. You know the scene: The one where Locke has Jaime Lannister captive and tricks him into drinking a canteen of horse piss. THIS SCENE IS NOT POSSIBLE. 1/
HERE is what it looks like when a horse pisses. It's like a fire hose. It leaves a crater. Imagine Locke trying to catch it with a canteen, he would be ABSOLUTELY COVERED IN HORSE PISS. It soak his hair and rain down his chin. 2/
This process would leave him more horse piss than man. It would slosh from his boots. The cloud of piss stench would saturate the valley. Horses would come running from miles away to try to fuck him. And yet the actor is as dry as a bone. Sickening.

I guess he could have had somebody else do it.
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