I’ll be real frank. I got a real fvcking problem w white feminism
1/4 . @cdtyrpak . @DragonGirl1919 I’m glad you asked that question. When I say white feminism I mean the focus on the struggles of white women that do not address the needs of or oppression faced by women of color. It is NOT an exclusion of feminists who happen to be white.
2/4 Just as one example, the most popular statement about the wage gap used by white feminists is that women make 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. That is only true for white women. Women of color make even less with black women only making 63 cents on the dollar and
3/4 Latinas only making 54 cents on the dollar. Why is that not given the same visibility? Feminism must be intersectional and take into account the struggles of women of color. But instead of hearing from me a man, hear it from a woman who articulated it very beautifully here:
4/4 thread: https://twitter.com/carter__cat/status/1252673835859656705
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