I have started delving into the @propublica CCRB NYPD database. It is wild. So many officers with multiple substantiated allegations over years, with little or no discipline. I want to clarify a few things about the database based on my knowledge of CCRB.
So, you'll note that the substantiated allegations contain the discipline recommended in parentheses as in this photo. This is not the discipline IMPOSED. CCRB cannot impose discipline. It is just recommended to NYPD
The more serious cases will note that "charges" were recommended. Here, CCRB is recommending a formal trial before an NYPD Judge appointed by the Police Commissioner. Only "charges" can result in firing. In practice they NEVER do.
This database is amazing but we need 3 things that require more work (which thanks to ProPublica we can do). 1. We need to create a database searchable by how many substantiated allegations. I.e..look up cops with at least 3 subbed allegations.
2. We need to obtain the investigative reports for all substantiated allegations. We can do this via FOIL. I'll post an instruction sheet shortly (I am working with comrades at the vital @nypdmaskwatch on all of this stuff).
3. We need the records of the trials. I specifically want to see how the NYPD judge is ruling on these issues. What the legal reasoning is. Whether the judge is an NYPD stooge or the commissioner is rejecting verdicts or (likely) both.
I've put in FOILs for investigative reports. They are not being fulfilled for months unfortunately. But I'll tell you this right now - if they deny the requests I'll sue the city to get them. We need those reports. We need to see what these NYPD officers have done to people.
You can follow @JohnTeufelNYC.
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