Why are the Law Abiding Citizens the ones who are suffering right now??

WE don’t want to wear a mask BUT WE do because WE have our children with us in the store and want to show them good behavior.

WE stay home, because it was told to us that it would help stop the spread...
WE go to work to barely scrap by and make a living for our families to turn around and give it all back to IRS as taxes. Then our country burns by rioters, Marxist and terrorist

WE are told WE can’t visit our loved ones in the hospital bc of the virus and they end up dying alone
Yet these Marxist get to dance in the streets without masks on a weekday while the rest of us go to bed early because we have work in the morning.

Why are WE the ones suffering?

Ask yourself this question.


We The People of America need a break. WE suffer & for what?
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