While U.S. Senators are home for a long weekend, the federal moratorium on evictions during COVID expired, putting 28 million Americans at risk of homelessness.
. @SenateMajLdr McConnell rushed to pass three relief bills that gave hundreds of billions of dollars to corporations & the wealthy, but he casually ignores the cries of poor & low-income Americans. We will not be silent.
Like the courageous young sister in Minneapolis who filmed the lynching of George Floyd, we must focus the nation’s attention on McConnell’s casual brutality.
Please call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 & ask to speak to your U.S. Senators today to demand that they get McConnell’s knee off the neck of poor families & pass a serious bill that fully addresses these life or death issues.
You can follow @RevDrBarber.
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