Here are a few interesting things about this very complex ship, which goes beyond a "hero meets villain" or "boy meets girl" couple of Star Wars. These aren't new, I'm just putting them together below.
1) BACKSTORY: A girl who lives alone for years and expects that her family will come back for her, seeking for belonging. A boy who doesn't feel accepted or understood by his family, is manipulated to turn against them in the war, seeking for belonging.
2) YIN-YANG: one of the first things people like about them. They're not a "good vs bad" created in a vacuum, they got traits that match the two forces that rule the world and complement each other, according to this concept from Chinese cosmology. (got image from @vikariousfilm)
Yang: sun, life, light, warmth, vigor, up, outward. Yin: moon, death, shade, cold, passiveness, down, inward. Both are needed for balance. They coexist and interact in an endless dance, creating a bond between everything. A scene from TLJ explains it well, this is the Force.
3) OFFERING YOU MY HAND: There are crucial moments in the movies where one of these characters extends their hand to the other, as a way to represent support, peace, safety and union. But the removal or use of gloves shows an important difference -
- by showing your bare hands, you show your identity to someone, it conveys intimacy. A glove here's a symbolic item, it conceals part of you (the hand). Our heroine wanted openness and rejected Ben's offer, since she wanted him to reach out with his true self, as she did before.
4) BRIDAL CARRY: Now here is their first interaction, where a character that was meant to act coldly with his enemy chooses to get close and personal, carefully carrying her in a way that foreshadows the romantic tones their relationship will develop.
5) COURTLY LOVE: He watches her from a distance, kneels, takes off his mask. Linked with the worship of a lady in medieval literature. A knight showed respect by removing his helmet, knelt before the lady in a sign of submission and admired her from afar before earning her love.
6) COMFORT: though preaching "let the past die", Ben dwells on it often. These scenes involve confessions. In the first one, his loneliness evident, he tries to reach out to a ghost of the past. In the other one, he relates to Rey's disillusionment, appreciating her company.
7) COME BACK: The images speak for themselves.
8) THE KISS: A romantic one. Shared after a moment of sacrifice, proof of selfless love, which is basically one of the most valuable messages, the core of Star Wars.
9) WOUND OF LOVE: Before falling to his death, Han silently forgives his son and touches his face in the place where he'll get a scar from Rey. Metaphorically speaking, it's where the light enters. According to Campbell, the one who can heal the wound is who inflicted it on you.
10) THE MAIN THEMES: Soundtracks speak volumes (pun intended). Rey's theme continues and fixes the dramatic motif from his. Connected in every way.
- end of the thread 🥰 due to personal reasons, I'll disappear now that this was shared. if someone sees this, thanks for reading
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