ah fuck it. here's my fully honest take on all the syscourse i can think of, in one clean thread.
๐Ÿ”ฎ Self Diagnosis

self diagnosis is invalid. self discovery and advocacy is valid. no one can safely dx themselves without bias and inexpertise. you're not a professional, you're not equipped with the education to do things safely.

imo, call it "self realized _____".
๐Ÿ”ฎ invalidating systems

i will never fakeclaim. i will however argue the categorization and appropriation of terms meant for a marginalized and abused community to cope. if you consider yourself "endo" great, it's not a thing but you're free to say so anyway, it's not my life.
๐Ÿ”ฎ non-trauma systems

no <3

DID and OSDD may not have all the details ironed out but the basics are there: whether it's disorganized attachment or trauma, systems are formed in early childhood due to problems. call yourself whatever but it's not a thing.
๐Ÿ”ฎ spiritual systems


spiritual plurality is not my thing, but i can't say it isn't real to some extent. i personally believe it's delusional in nature but i respect those who experience it. don't, however, equate it with neurological plurality. it's fundamentally different.
๐Ÿ”ฎ system by choice


if you're choosing to be a system you're forming a delusion. you might be a real system who is deeply confused and disoriented but if you're REALLY choosing it, no you're not. that is not actual multiplicity.
๐Ÿ”ฎ tulpas

tulpas are fine, they're not multiplicity though. they don't belong in multiples' spaces. they're not autonomous, they have no executive control, they go away when you forget about them. they're imaginary. that is NOTHING like multiplicity.
๐Ÿ”ฎ #traumagenicgang

the name is stupid but i'm working on that. it's a support group and it's no different from a PTSD support group being only for traumatized people. it doesn't mean pluralgang has to disappear, but this needs to happen for many of us. we need our own space.
๐Ÿ”ฎ pluralgang abuse

the doxxing, name calling and hatred has got to stop. the toxic inclusivity front has to stop. you don't "love and support and welcome everyone" then call us sysmeds or traumascum. pluralgang needs to shun those members or they're complicit. and they don't.
๐Ÿ”ฎ non-human alters

are valid. completely. if they genuinely cannot accept they're in a human body and brain they may be struggling with delusion but that's common and it's okay. it doesn't make them invalid. the brain copes how it needs to.
๐Ÿ”ฎ syscourse

i think people pussyfoot around it for the sake of their image or to be "kind and nice and supportive". you can be kind and nice and supportive while respecting yourself and your opinions. suppressing them is unhealthy (unless you're unlearning bad skills).
๐Ÿ”ฎ multiplicity representation

sucks. there's one single system i trust to represent us well, that's it. everyone else leans towards toxic inclusivity. and there's been some abhorrent behavior from some systems online like sexualizing toddler alters that deeply upsets me.
๐Ÿ”ฎ learning and growing

we all need to be open to new information, always. if something comes out and validates endo systems being neurologically the same, so be it. my stance will change. i'm not opposed to evolving my takes and i change them regularly as i learn new info.
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