Prostitutes have more in common with slaves than they do with the proletariat. When you sell your body, nothing gets produced, you sell your flesh in exchange for money.

Most prostitutes aren't independent, the vast majority of them relies on... 1/5
Pimps for protection as there is a risk of being robbed, raped, or killed by "customers." And pimps are some of the largest exploiters out there, they are modern slave owners in the literal sense of the word.

The vast majority of prostitutes does not want to be one... 2/5
Around 85% of prostitutes have been previously sexually abused and are in because of poverty, drug addiction, or they're manipulated into doing so.

The vast majority of prostitutes are also people of colour, this is generally due to systemic racism and oppression. 3/5
A large percentage of women get scammed as well. They're promised opportunities, but end up slaves or being trafficked. Many third worlders get scammed this way and are forced to sell their flesh continuously as if they're discovered they'll be returned home. 4/5
Prostitutes, like the women liberation front states, can not be considered proletarian, they're way more oppressed than that. They're lumpen proloterians.

Finally I'd like to add, if you're a leftist and support prostitution, you're nothing but an agent of misogyny. Stop. 5/5
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