In this thread, I'm going to provide what I like and don't like about each movie in the Skywalker saga (chronological). Just a note, I like/love all of these movies and if you disagree with my opinion that's fine.
Episode I: The Phantom Menace
GOOD: I like this movie's creativity and how it introduced the Republic. Qui-Gon Jinn is extremely underrated, and some of the costumes are great. The music is also amazing. The final fight is pretty cool as well.
Bad: Some of the acting is flat and the characters are pretty emotionless. The plot isn't really conveyed well and is at times confusing. There also isn't really any character development for anyone. This movie honestly could be removed and it wouldn't make much difference.
Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Good: First off, Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan is AMAZING. His sarcastic humor makes me laugh out loud everytime and every scene with him is actually amazing. As in the previous movie, some of the costumes are amazing, and some of the sets are beautiful as well. As always, THE MUSIC.
Bad: I feel like 75% of this movie's problems stem from the romance. The actors have chemistry but the writing is so forced. Palpatine's plan sometimes doesn't make much sense, and we don't really get to know Count Dooku as a person. Some of the acting is also pretty flat.
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Good: This movie actually works pretty emotionally and the dark tone of the movie is conveyed well. Again, Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan is great, and Grievous is actually pretty funny IMO. The opening is AMAZING and the banter between Obi-Wan and Anakin works super well.
Bad: Once again, as in the previous two movies, some of the dialogue is off. Anakin's fall to the dark side doesn't actually feel built up properly. I like the final fight but it's too long. Padme is sidelined super hard in this movie and her death felt so forced.
Episode IV: A New Hope
Good: This movie is pretty much perfect. The characters are likeable, the story is solid, the pacing is well done, yeah pretty much everything about this movie is perfect EXCEPT for a couple minor things.
Bad: I think the beginning might be a little too slow. This movie also doesn't really hold up when watched between ROTS and ESB. A couple (just a couple tho!) lines are delivered kinda off. But that doesn't matter IMO it's barely noticeable.
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Good: Yeah this movie is pretty much perfect. It's not my favorite but there isn't really anything I can think of which DOESN'T work in this movie.
Bad: Yeah no movie is perfect but I can't think of anything which doesn't really work in this movie.
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Good: The final fight between Luke and Vader is AMAZING. Vader's redemption is actually great. I cannot talk about this movie without talking about how awesome Luke is in this one. The speeder bike chase is amazing and the ending is super satisfying.
Bad: Han's rescue lasts too long and we spend too much time with the Ewoks (i'm not an ewok hater dw). Ewoks taking down the empire feels....wrong. I feel like everyone other than Luke and Vader are sorta sidelined and don't get much to do.
Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Good: This movie does a good job of setting up everything for this trilogy. The characters are compelling and interesting. The humor and action in this movie. This movie is extremely fun to watch and super rewatchable.
Bad: I'm not one to call this movie a ripoff of ANH, but some things I think weren't necessary. The attack on Starkiller base feels like a ripoff of the trench run in ANH for instance. But honestly, the similarities in this movie are obviously done intentionally and they work.
Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
Good: This movie is hella bold. Luke is AMAZING in this movie. The dynamic between Kylo/Rey is extremely well done. The action is actually great and the music is awesome as always. This movie made me like Poe a lot more as a character. ALSO THIS IS THE PRETTIEST STAR WARS MOVIE.
Bad: Finn is underutilized in this movie compared to the last one. He learns the right THING, but not in the right WAY. The humor in this movie is....not great- I prefer JJ's style of humor. Holdo is...ehhhhhh. Some of the deleted scenes should have been in the movie for sure.
Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
Good: DON'T HATE ME but this is my favorite star wars movie so I'll try to not be biased. This movie is INSANELY fun to watch. It's not as thematically deep as TLJ but the themes and parallels are SUPER solid. It's visually beautiful and the humor is AMAZING.
Bad: This movie is too fast paced and could use some more breathing room. Finn is...once again underutilized AF and Poe being a spice runner seemed unnecessary. Rose is sidelined and I wish they had better explained Palpatine's return.
Good: These movies are super creative and they led to a GIANT expansion of the Star Wars franchise. So many new ideas and concepts came from these movies, whether you like them or not.
Bad: The prequels don't properly develop Anakin's turn to the dark side. A lot of them feels crammed into Revenge of the Sith when it rather should have been spread out more.
Good: These movies are literally the reason why modern blockbusters exist. They are so perfect (mostly!) with relatable and likeable characters, interesting stories, etc.
Bad: Sometimes these movies don't hold up to rewatches, particularly ROTJ. Some of the technology is also outdated but ofc it is- these movies were made in the 70s and 80s.
Good: These movies are extremely fun to watch and EXTREMELY rewatchable (yes, all 3 of them). They're visually very beautiful and the characters are extremely likeable.
Bad: These movies could have benefitted from more planning for sure. Also, I wish that the primary conflict wasn't rebels vs empire again, but I really don't care bc that's the same thing that happened in the Thrawn Trilogy before it got decanonized.
I'm sorry for this long asf thread but I hope you guys enjoyed it! I made it because I kinda wanted to share what I thought about each movie and trilogy overall as I just tend to talk about the sequels mostly.

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