One of the most interesting parts of "quarantine" or "stay at home" is people who never worked from home before telling people who worked from home for a long time what proper etiquette is to work from home.
Don't need your tips or tricks. You're trying to re-create your regular workday, I'm working from home.
"Don't drink or eat on a conference call" no no no, that's what mute is for, for me to drink and eat and garden and walk the dog and go for a walk. You don't need to see me, when I have a thing to say, or you ask a question, I'll respond.
For kids doing virtual school, they can just have bluetooth headphones and go to the bathroom on mute and that's fine. you don't have to try to chain kids to desks or tables to know they're learning
for employers, if your person turns off camera or gets up and walks around, they can still hear you.
my mom and i talked about this for a long time this weekend b/c she is a "see you" person and i was trying to explain it to her that some people don't want camera on or will stay muted instead of silent b/c they are doing other things.
it is why i talk to my mom on the phone instead of facetime. b/c i like putting my headphones in and going about my day with two hands and not attached to a computer
for kids, definitely want them interacting but that doesn't mean no bathroom or water etc. for adults why do you even care as long as the job is getting done?
and the eating part from the RT, multi-sibling families and parents trying to work from home. get your kids hydrated and fed whenever they take it.
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