“I don’t want socialism bc I don’t want big government in control”.

Socialism is NOT the government in control, but the people. It’s workers owning the means of production. Capitalism is control by private entities-in our case corporations working in tandem w gov for profit.
In essence socialism mean the money made from workers belongs to workers, not private owners who can exploit them. It takes out the middle man, it’s direct. Whereas capitalism is indirect bc goods & services are produced for profit not direct use.
You’re all welcome to study Marx or even look this up anywhere. The definitions are there I’m not changing anything. But I’m sick of seeing people in America think socialism means government ownership. I’ve even heard journalists & commentators say this. You’ve been lied to.
The reason they scare you with big government & “Venezuela” is because they don’t want you to know it’s our imperialism and capitalism that has led us here domestically & hurt any other country who tried to be independent of our system of exploitation through sanctions or war.
Bolivia’s coup was pushed by the US backed CIA forces bc we can’t allow a country of indigenous people to rise up in a socialist revolution & give their people housing, healthcare & ownership when we deny our people that, yet tell them we’re “the greatest country in the world”.
Bolivia is one of many coups. We’ve done this in Honduras & central America. Venezuela’s coup failed bc of activists & mainly Venezuelans protecting their country. Look up Cuba & what really happened to cause Castro to be so militant. No one’s saying these countries were perfect.
But we make it impossible for any third world countries to gain an ability to have socialism w/o being vilified & sanctioning them. That’s also white supremacy at play here. But this is how domestic is tied to foreign policy. Never forget there’s no separation.
BTW I’m not saying one ideology is going to solve all of our problems. I don’t believe that to be true. I also think it depends on the country. But we should look at what’s most needed & what we can accomplish. Not enough lefties here talk about imperialism & we should.
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