I'm not going to direct this at any particular person, but it's just super easy for immigrants like me or brown people in general to supercharge their career by being an ally of white supremacy and helping uphold it....
The structure of power would rather diversify its board of directors than stop exploiting communities of color. I get the temptation. It's super rewarding to be a "good" brown person and deny racist structures or throw other groups under the bus.
It's just not good for your soul and you're harming other people by being the "diverse" face of a system of exploitation. Some of the most hostile (even violent) responses I've received in my book talks have been from people who looked like me...
Who have imagined themselves to be "better" and more deserving than other groups and they have been super triggered when I talk about systems of racism that have perpetuated white supremacy. I don't know what to do about this, but it really bothers me.
[Follow up]: please don't paint all immigrant groups the same in replies. Not all immigrants come from privileged backgrounds. Some absolutely do not. And not all immigrants do the thing I am talking about so please don't miss the point here. Thanks
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