So I'm seeing something on here, some people are saying you can be a Christian and be a pro LGBTQ or a member, using the "God gave us right of free will" as back up

I'm tryna sound nice but I'm sorry that's bullshit!
You can't say you're a Christian and support it, you're simply playing duality. Being a Christian, you like what God likes and hate what God hates. God made man for woman and vice versa, so doing or supporting the opposite is simply going against God
This one out of many examples. When you say you're a Christian you've died to self you've died to flesh, hence you can't fulfil the desires of the flesh.

Yes that's how you feel, yes it's your right to feel that but no it's not in line with what God says so no you can't do it
When you feel that way, as a Christian, Christ in you is to help you surpass that feeling. You're distorting the purpose of God, so when you have Jesus Christ in you, he'd help you not to fulfill the lust and desires of the flesh. The human nature naturally is sinful and flawed.
Yes we have free will and that is to decide if we wanna live how WE wanna live or how GOD wants us to live. When you say you're a Christian, Paul said "for the life I now live is no longer mine, but the life of Christ"

Omo you can't be a Christian and still do things the
way you want to. As a Christian you've given up your own life to live the life of Christ hence the name "Christian" meaning "Christ-like"

Please read your Bibles o and know what God is saying and leave this "new generation gospel" that just picks the part of the Bible that seems
to favour them. That's why we're asked to STUDY the word of God, emphasis on study because it's different from reading so that we're not tossed around by every wind of doctrine.

Yes being a Christian you give up certain "pleasures" of this world. It's not wrong to feel the need
to probably wanna be a part of it, don't let nobody guilt trip you for thinking it. When it becomes sin is if you yield to the thought of it.

That's why again study the word so you'd always have the strength to counter those thoughts.
Because of course the human nature would always want to prevail so literally being a Christian is a constant battle.

Practically, INTENTIONAL living. Again that's why Paul said "we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers"
Giving a clear explanation from a marriage situation. Because our relationship as Christians with God takes example from marriage. When you're married you don't do certain things, not because you can't but because you have respect for your marriage, it may not be comfortable for
you, but because you respect the marriage and the person you're married to, you know that doing certain things could hurt or displease the person. So you DON'T do it, not because you CAN'T do it but because you have RESPECT for what y'all have, it's that simple.
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