A short thread on the silence campaign:

All of us who use social media for more than pictures of our kids or witticisms know that it can be a cesspit full of hatred. It’s full of racists, many of whom are anonymous.
2)Over the years campaigners have attempted to get these companies to take a degree of responsibility over what is published.
The companies make enough money, now they need to earn it. Despite promises, there is not enough being done to stamp out blatant hate speech.
I’ve had death threats and warnings that the Jews either deserve what is coming or what has happened to them - from the far right and far left. It’s not a safe space for any minority. @IanWright0 recently revealed some of the racist messages he’s had and they were chilling.
4) Over the last few days a musician called Wiley spent 48 hours spewing Jew hate all over Twitter and Instagram despite thousands of people complaining.
On Twitter he has been given a 7 day suspension. I believe he is still posting on Instagram.
5) As a result this campaign is being run by Jewish activists who have had to get good at campaigning. But this is to ensure social media companies do more to stamp out all racism. Please support it. #NoSafeSpaceForJewHate
You can follow @nicolelampert.
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