
This is something I put together a while ago on my Instagram.

It's pretty cool, please check it out!
An astrophysicist named Halton Arp studied "Redshift" theory, and made some game changing discoveries, but his academic peers would NOT EVEN LOOK at the data. (Much like how Galileo's peers and the [Church] would not even look through his telescope.)
Halton Arp refuted their theory, which had been the basis for all distance measurement in space, from every galaxy to the very age and size of our universe. It's all based on Redshift, and a single man's findings proved it all wrong.
Redshift as we know it claims -like the Doppler Effect- the frequency of light coming from other galaxies shows that they are all moving away from us in every direction (at absurd speeds).
However, what Arp easily observed is that the frequency of light varies depending on what area of a galaxy you're looking at. The edges of galaxies (according to debunked Redshift) appear to be much, much further away than the center (trillions of miles..)
To explain away this anomaly, mainstream scientists said.. "Well, all galaxies.. point directly toward Earth".


It simply does NOT MAKE ANY SENSE! The theory is debunked, yet scientists continue to swear by it.
Instead, what Arp proposes is that the variations in light frequency represent areas of galaxies that actually vibrate at completely different energy levels. What's more, Arp found that the vibration of light does not change gradually...
Instead, a galaxy has HUGE leaps in energy change at specific intervals (e.g., 72, 144) which shows there is some hidden mechanics to galaxies, like layers of an onion.
The most amazing part? When Arp went back and rechecked his observations ten years later, he found that those energy boundaries had expanded, spreading outward like waves from the galaxies' centers. Simply put, galaxies blossom like the Lotus.
What's the point? Presently, the edge of one of these waves is upon us right now. We are transitioning into a whole new world never before seen in history, echoed in legends and religions throughout all cultures. The energy is what is making some people act quite crazy right now.
Interesting to note, Proxima Centauri (our closest neighbor) has recently experienced a Solar Flash as this energy wavefront enveloped it, and released 10,000x it's normal energy in one flash.
Many people in the online community know about this, and you will notice that none of them are at all worried. It's not fire and brimstone. Its butterflies and rainbows.

David Wilcock has pretty much devoted his life to studying this, so check him out for more info!
(This thread on my Instagram was liked by an astronaut who legit went to the moon. Verified account and everything)
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