In which I have too many feelings about figure skating and also MDZS, a thread: MDZS characters as figure skating programs. All opinions are my own, your mileage may vary, etc. Okay let's go.
LWJ: Yuzuru Hanyu, PC Chopin. The way this program draws you in but keeps you at a distance, allowing you to bear witness to this miracle. The sheer perfection of technical elements married with sublime beauty. If HGJ is the most beautiful man, this is the most beautiful program.
I have two programs for WWX. The first is Yuzuru Hanyu, 2012 R&J. Here, Yuzu, struggling with asthma and higher tech, visibly runs out of energy about halfway through. The fire and scorched-earth determination with which he finishes this program is, unquestionably, big WWX energy
WWX #2 is older: Daisuke Takahashi, 2008 Swan Lake. This would be a brazen move NOW, much less in 2008. Watch the charisma, the stunning mix of classical and modern music, and tell me this isn't YLLZ WWX, brilliant and brave and blazing a trail that dares you to watch.
JYL: Kaori Sakamoto, 2017-2018 SP. Not classically pretty, but with a smile that lights up the world. This is a soft, delicate program that seems like it'll be boring until you keep watching and see how GOOD she is, her flow, speed, musicality. And her skirt looks like a lotus.
JC: Boyang Jin, 2019 FS, specifically this performance. The opening 4lz on that hush in the music, because JC loves to make an entrance. The way he falters, but recovers. The way the music builds, intensifies, almost too fast for him to keep up. The ending, where he almost breaks
LXC: Patrick Chan, 2012-2013 SP. This program shows off PChan's glorious edges, the power and control in his skating. It also feels a little old-fashioned, as if the rest of the world has moved on, and it hasn't quite noticed. (Plus, LXC and PChan both went into "seclusion" so)
JGY: Misha Ge, 2017 ex. LOOK - the mask at the beginning, Madison as the representation of JGS's unattainable approval. The way she puppets him. The way he loses layers as the program goes on, until he's blindfolded in red, unable or unwilling to see what he has become. IT WORKS!
NHS: Yuzuru Hanyu, 2014 Parisian Walkways. I swear this'll be the last Hanyu program but LISTEN: seemingly boyish and playful, but crazy tech content. Came out of nowhere and took down the reigning king of men's FS, won him the OLYMPICS. It's not a perfect fit but the NHS energy!
WQ: Satoko Miyahara, 2017 ex. It's the hands. Look at her hands. The elegance, the control, the precision down to her fingertips. If WQ were a figure skater, she'd have hands like this. Also, I know Satton looks tiny and cute but she's a BEAST and is stronger than anyone, like WQ
WN: Shoma Uno, 2016-2017 FS. Shoma has big WN energy in general, that stark contrast between Baby and Intense when he starts skating. This program in particular has a slightly robotic, slightly unhinged feel to it that fits the zombie-ish jerkiness of WN as the Ghost General.
And that's it, at least for now. Thank you for playing along! ⛸️
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