here’s a thread about the women of starkid because guess what!! i love the women of starkid.
LAUREN LOPEZ!!! i think you already know how i feel about her? a Jewish & Latina GODDESS!! we have to,, stan.
Meredith Stepien. Need I say more? A nature loving queen!! Unafraid to show off her gorgeous natural curls! an inspiration to us all.
Tiffany Williams is an angel on earth. have you SEEN HER?? excuse me for simping but,, wow. also firebringer is probably my favourite show and tiblyn is too precious, so maybe i’m a little biased.
RACHEL. SOGLIN. honestly i shouldn’t have to say anything else here. Another naturally curly haired beauty queen! Also her comedic timing is just *chef’s kiss*. I simply adore her.
Britney Coleman!!!!!! maybe the most talented human being ever HELLOOOO??!!! A broadway STAR! She truly has the range (dean thomas anyone?) and she is simply stunning. tysm.
Angela Giarratana!! I still have no idea how to properly say her last name (sorry). And I don’t mean to simp but WOW she is just,, perfect and SO funny and just The Best. I’m v happy that she’s part of starkid, Lex is v much a comfort character for me and Angela plays her SO WELL
MS LAUREN WALKER. An absolute icon who i am DYIIINGGG to have come back for more shows. Lauren is gorgeous and hilarious and TALENTED LIKE-??!?? also have i mentioned how much i love firebringer tysm <3
Jaime. Lyn. Beatty. I LOVE HER! She is so unapologetically herself and it is so inspiring. And that VOICE?? jeez. i simply adore jaime, she is a beacon of positivity and light and creativity and she is the BEST.
Sango Tajima!!!!!! An absolute cutie. Lavender Brown is an iconic character let’s be honest. I wish we’d gotten to see her beyond just the potter shows & hoco :( Sango is truly amazing and really does deserve more love OKAY??!
Mariah Rose Faith. UMM HAVE YOU SEEN ANYONE SO BEAUTIFUL wow. She’s also so down to earth and genuine!! yes she is white passing, but she is also a latina queen! And I have no proof to back this up but i just know she gives excellent hugs. You can just tell.
Alex Paul!!!!!! Number one, THE TALENT. Number two, the beauty??!! She is unreal. Homecoming Status Quo makes me cry every time and she is SO GOOD in Twisted ugh imagine the power other shows would have w her in them.
LILY MARKS!! that’s MY mrs weasley!! she is such a sweetheart OKAY?? i adore lily and also she runs her own business??!! a true boss lady. she has the RANGE!
Alle-Faye Monka!!!! ugh have you ever??!? she has such positive energy around her at all times. also tiffany in mamd is such a good character and she plays her so well and SHE ALSO DID THE CHOREOGRAPHY FOR THAT SHOW AND NO ONE GIVES HER THE RECOGNITION SHE DESERVES FOR IT tysm <3
ALI GORDON IS SO TALENTED AND SO FUNNY AND SO GORGEOUS and did a Ted Talk once??? She is amazing!!!! I simply adore her.
Jamie Burns has one of the most powerful female voices in all of Starkid and THAT’S THAT. have you LISTENED to firebringer???? Also I’m obsessed with her hair it is absolutely beautiful. She is a tiktok queen too so go follow her there mmmkay? She is v funny and v amazing.
ARIELLE GOLDMAN. she is SUCH a cutie and a powerhouse of talent!!!!! I love her in mamd and i feel like she’s so underrated in that show?? So please give her the love she deserves TYSM <3333
Devin Lytle!!!! Okay we all know that devin is absolutely gorgeous, this is not a surprise to anyone right. Also she has had SUCH a successful career and i’m so proud of her!! She is a total sweetheart too.
Kim Whalen!!!!!! Kim is an absolute angel, like for real. She is so KIND and PURE and GENUINE and has a voice that is out of this world!!! She has such gorgeous hair and she is so optimistic and encouraging and i couldn’t love her more.
MS JULIA ALBAIN!!!! Julia is SO AMAZING for SO MANY REASONS. I could genuinely gush about her for DAYS. A multi talented queen! From directing to acting to producing, Julia does it ALL and does it SO WELL! And also has her own business!?! I don’t know how she does it BUT SHE DOES
Kendall Nicole Yakshe is just so precious. The talent this girl has is BEYOND BELIEF omfg. She is going to go on to do amazing things, and that’s just a fact.
DENISE! DONOVAN! i love her so much. Denise is a) talented b) hilarious and c) out of this world gorgeous !!! she is also so pure and genuine. she runs her own dance studio which is amazing!! I’m so proud of her!! She has the most infectious smile & laugh. Denise makes me v happy
and last but certainly not least, DIANE LOPEZ-RICHTER. A true queen. Maybe the most important part of this thread. I have no words to describe how much I love diyeeen <3
IN CONCLUSION: the women of starkid are all so amazing. they are INCREDIBLE HUMAN BEINGS who are all SO inspiring and SO unique!!! I am in love with them all and you should be too. Tysm ❤️
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