If you think the UCP's school relaunch plan is inadequate due to lack of funding & no plans to reduce classroom sizes, respond to this tweet with your MLA's name/Twitter handle. If you don't know their Twitter, I will tag them if they have one #abed #fundabpublicschools #ableg
If your MLA is UCP this will increase the pressure on them to go back to the drawing board and come back with a better plan. If your MLA is NDP, this will encourage them to keep the pressure on the government to produce a better plan.
The purpose of this is to let all MLAs know how inadequate the plan is. Often times it's just Adrianna LaGrange and Jason Kenney that get mentioned in these threads. Time to let MLAs know that their constituents care about this! #ableg #abed #FundABPublicSchools
You can follow @TeacherAlberta.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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