not sure i "get" the master-bedroom-balcony. but I don't have a balcony, and never have, and probably never will
the master bedroom is... feels comptac
this motherfucker misspelled compact
this is kinda wild. right??? like I kinda feel like there's a lot of open space
starting to think point towers are bad for residential design
why would you label it "living/dining" if you just end up with a giant unlabeled empty space immediately next to it? is that the balcony foyer?
you'll buy 17,35 square feet...... but you'll only need THE EDGE
is it a minor point to complain about the bedrooms being so far from the bathrooms? maybe, unless you're talking about, say, a 3 bdrm apt
hoooooly shit

the ensuited bedroom can't be called a master, because of its tiny bebe window

now i feel like the living room is too small for a 3br
i GUESS that counts as a walk-in closet. but it's no "DEN"
now see if you tell me you're getting a 3br apt this maybe feels a lil better I guess? though tbh now somehow I feel like we have Too Many Full Baths. YOU CANNOT PLEASE ME
4.7 million by the by
I don't mind this, I think? good split of spaces.

credit where it's due, not bad, though I would get stuck in the entry closet double-nook, die of hunger and never be found. but other than that

i get the feeling the larger they are the easier it is to come up with something that has all the parts. this one even has a study
look. i guess??? that interior bathroom is still wild shit.
p.s. 1
p.s. 2 the outside looks like this i guess w/e
p.s. 3 LMAO
ok i'm muting it all, thanks
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