Last night my phone started to blow up with the news: @IvankaTrump is coming to MN open the first Missing and Murdered Native American Cold Case Office! WOW! Only... no one told me- the author & Chair of MN’s MMIWG Task Force, no one told our Task Force members or our leaders...
who have work so hard these past 4 years to educate, acknowledge, re- live the historical horrors of being trafficked, raped, beaten, killed with little or no recourse. Once again the voices of the American Indian women is not being aknowledged -
Once again, the “Big White Chief in the East” is running a dog & pony show. If he and Ivanka want to make a difference, make Congress pass the 2020 Violence Against Wonen Act, invest in affordable housing, health care and education! #OurWomenAreNotForShow
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