🗣️ THREAD: A Reflection from my studying of Revelation 2:1-7 this morning:

It seems the abandoning of Ephesus' first love was not them growing cold in their walk with Jesus. Jesus affirmed their pursuit of doctrinal purity and their defense of His truth.

Perhaps, their abandoning of their first love, was indeed an abandonment of their love for each other within the church. This can become a consequence within a people group where 'fighting for purity' is seen as one dimensional, doctrine/teaching only.

Relationships and the 'one another' commands for Body life become reframed to include mostly (if not only) those who you agree with.

Sadly, I myself have been guilty of this.

My doctrinal convictions, rooted in Scripture, were framed in such a way that if a fellow believer didn't align with my secondary or tertiary (or 3rd level) beliefs, I would hold them as suspect. NONE of the issues disagreed over dealt with unrepentant sin!

A few years later, I remember going to the brothers and sisters I fought against due to doctrinal disagreements (over non-essential beliefs), and asking them to forgive me for my immaturity. They responded in love and admitted they had internal issues with me as well.

Irony: I claimed they were immature & straying from truth all the while being blind to my own immaturity! I loved God & sought Him daily & He showed me, through other believers and Scripture, I lacked balance and love for those I deeply loved early in my walk with Jesus.

When we're conditioned to fight for purity, we can get used to fighting. When fighting ceases or slows down, we may be prone to look at those we once fought alongside (against evil), highlight our disagreements (over non-essential issues but elevate them to essential issues

& begin fighting them. All in the name of fighting for purity & defending God's truth. There's a balance Jesus called us to: Love God holistically & Love our neighbors (fellow humans) holistically. Love vertical when mature, will manifest itself towards others horizontally.

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