Twitter spats over last two days is an example of how much of an herculean task caste annihilation is !!!!! The more tricky aspect of it has a always been How rather than why,some Ppl merely wants to stop the wheel while others want to break the wheel
Let's talk about the first kind of ppl !!!! Such ppl acknowledge their Caste, are proud of their roots and do not believe in the discrimination on the basis of caste but there is a thin line between caste pride and being a castist,so there will always be enough ppl who will be
Castist because of the existence of something like caste pride,so its unreasonable to believe that caste discrimination can be eliminated with this approach !!!!
So the gist about the first approach is as long as caste system exsists,Caste pride and subsequent discrimination will follow !!!! Now let's talk about the second approach
The second approach talks about total destruction of the caste system and building an egalitarian Hindu society !!!!! This theory looks prefectly alright on paper and might rid the Hindu society of menace of caste discrimination but the trouble here is
practically many aspects of life make Ppl conscious of caste identity and there is no reset button to make this caste consciousness disappear all of a sudden so Ppl have to target each and every aspect of life which makes Ppl aware of their origins !!!!
Here comes the tricky part,is it possible to eliminate each and every reference point in public and private sphere which makes Ppl aware of their Caste???? If not then how will this vicious wheel of caste system will be broken in totality????
Maybe it couldnt be in totality,not atleast in the short run but this approach definitely has better prospects to get rid of caste discrimination forever than the first one,the trouble is only How????
There are no easy answer to this How but there are definitely few things that can be done to blunt the menace of caste !!!!! Intercaste marriages will help to certain extent to dilute caste identities,Talking about the history of caste discrimination much more in
your caste brethren than stories of Idols of your caste will help as well !!!! children to associate themselves with their religion only if at all from a young age and not with caste at all might also be the plausible option !!! Such things will helpp in the long run
The conclusion of the thread is there are no short and easy answers to this intricately complex problem !!!!! The fight is hard and long ahead but there can be multiple small solutions(Feel free to add more)as mentioned above to blunt the hold of caste system bit by bit
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