There is a lot of accumulated life energy (labor, ecological productivity) that is going to be released as the dominating systems of past centuries fracture and crumble. (Like a giant oak tree crashing to the ground)
Question is: can we disperse all that energy in good, healthy ways, towards wellness everywhere, towards places it has been taken from by force, or is that stored life energy going to get gobbled up by more of the same, just more concentrated than ever?
One thing that will shape that balance is how well we understand that this process is happening, already, and perhaps will speed up and grow stronger.
Another is how well our strategies incorporate another kind of stored up energy, the Earth's systems responding to climate change. Empires (old ones or new ones that are trying to build) are brittle and that's in the favor of those whose vision is a vast dispersion of life energy
Maybe a water analogy will help: Picture 500 years of life energy stored up behind a gigantic dam, which is weakening in spots, already leaking, cracks visible by the day.
Does the water all rush out in a few mighty rivers that lead to new stronger than ever (cement and steel high tech reinforced) reservoirs? Or does it flow broadly and slowly soaking into the earth in rivulets?
What's your vision? And if it's rivulets, what's your role in directing the water?
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