I wish it were possible to compile a C program
"Oh, I need to run this program in the debugger". Surprise! You now have to stop and solve a minigame puzzle to reverse-engineer a "Makefile" (an arcane bespoke language based on text substitution) to figure out how to sneak the characters "-g" into a hidden sub-sub-invocation
That's if you're *lucky*. If you're lucky you only have to reverse engineer a makefile. If you're unlucky they use some bizarre totally unique build system with its own builtin programming language called something like "fmake", or maybe a system invented just for this project
Me, looking at literally anyone else's C project
So this C project I'm trying to debug right now, the Makefile is written in such a way that the only way to trigger debug symbols turns out to be to run "make DEBUG=true". Typing "make DEBUG=1" will not work. It has to be the exact letters "true"
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