@SidneyPowell1 @tracybeanz @PoliticalOrgy This summer, while ridiculous because of the scamdemic- has been glorious in a multitude of ways. I’ve had lots of quiet time at home with my daughter. We’ve delivered meals to officers every other Friday. I’ve meditated. Taken
millions of long walks, visited my husband in NY and explored that beautiful state (Skaneateles- I’m lookin at you), shot my first gun with my eldest son who says I’m a natural. I’ve spent time with my grand babies and my youngest son who stayed with me because NYC was a mess.
I’ve gardened, cut my own lawn, watched many KDramas with my daughter. I’ve slept in. I’ve gotten in great shape. I’ve read some good books and done some puzzles, painted some and enjoyed our new puppy, Flynn ( @GenFlynn I cut my cable and news is a thing of the past.
I’ve stood up for some important issues in Nashville, collected signatures, gone to rallies, Backed the Blue. I will go out West to see my son Alex and we will bike in Montana or Utah or wherever his free spirit leads me.
I’ll drop my baby girl off at college and hope sanity prevails so she can have all of the fun and good stuff she’s worked so hard for. So to everyone out there who thinks that a few blue cities with spoiled rotten, ungrateful people are “protesting” will threaten my well being
or my love for this country- no. No you will not destroy my peace of mind. If Black lives really matter, then stop the nonsense. Vote for school choice. Build healthy, productive families and then go out and do positive things. Be kind to each other. Aspire to be your
highest and best. United we stand, divided we fall. It’s true. Mind, body and spirit must all be on a sure footing to defeat the darkness. Be grateful. Be kind to each other. Shun fear. End/
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