Warriors of Obosi in battle dress - 1922. Source: History of the Obosi and Ibo people, Igwe I.E.Iweka I of Obosi, 1924. Image copyright- estate of Igwe Iweka. Left -Okonji Onyia of Mmakwum, Obosi m, right Ikwele Ji Aka Amu Oku, also of Mmakwum. THREAD
Brave but ignorant savages"- these were the words by which G.Wilmot Brooke, a C.M.S Missionary described the people of Obosi in 1889. Before we express the natural outrage, I ask for brief pause. His comments were in response to the events of mid-1889.
and most cruelly, digging up Yams and Yam seedlings (the sustenance of the people. They then offered the Obosi a compromise, to which they bluntly refused, inspite of the clear disparity in force of arms with the RNC.
This refusal to compromise and surrender to the RNC, was the basis of Wilmot's description of the Obosi as "ignorant savages". I believe we can all agree that a people's refusal to surrender their sovereignty to a foreign invader, with an ignoble record, was hardly ignorance or
Then, the Royal Niger Company, further to its blockade of Onitsha, had moved the trading outpost near to Obosi. The R.N.C upon facing opposition from the admittedly warlike people of Obosi, attacked and sacked it, burning down houses and Yam Barns).
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