1. I campaigned for Ronald Reagan in 1976 and 1980.  I worked in President Reagan's administration for 8 years.  I did not realize that Fred Ryan, who is now the publisher and CEO of the Washington Post is also the chairman of the Reagan Library & Foundation board.
2. Now, given the Washington Post's leftist agenda, and the conservative legacy of the great Ronald Reagan, this appears to me to be a huge conflict.
3. And it also explains why the Washington Post ran a story about the Reagan Library objecting to President Trump's use of the Reagan name for fundraising -- that means Fred Ryan objected.
4. And then I read, toward the end of the Post article, that Ryan would not comment for the article his paper wrote about the library he runs  Well, I have spent many, many years promoting the Reagan Library and Foundation, I have had many very successful book signings there
5. and I revere the Reagan Library.  As I said, I also spent 8 years of my life supporting President Reagan and his policies, of which I am deeply proud and honored, as did thousands of others.
6. And the purpose of the Library is to enshrine President Reagan's fabulous conservative legacy for all time.Consequently, I am appalled that the Fred Ryan's Washington Post and the Reagan Library under Fred Ryan's chairmanship, would pull this publicity stunt on President Trump
7.And I expect the thousands of Reagan alumni who worked for President Reagan share my concern.  Mr. Ryan, decide who and what you want to be, but it's obvious you cannot be both the Washington Post publisher/CEO and the Reagan Library board chairman when there's a clear conflict
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