What is depression first of all??
√ Its a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness & loss of interest. It affects how you feel, think & behave and can lead to variety of "emotional & physical problems".
1) Major Depression: this is the most common type of depression. If you're experiencing this then you may feel & see symptoms of extreme sadness, hopelessness, anhedonia or loss of interest in pleasurable activities, lack of energy, irritability, trouble concentrating.. (Part 1)
..changes in sleep or eating habits, feeling of guilt, physical pain & thoughts of suicide or death.
2) Dysthymia: its a tyoe of depression that causes a low mood over a long period of time- perhaps for a year or more. Symptoms include sadness, trouble concentrating..

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...fatigue and changes in sleep habits and appetite.

3) Postpartum Depression: This is characterized by feelings extreme sadness, anxiety or fatigue, loneliness, suicidal thoughts, fears about hurting the baby & feeling of disconnect from the child. This depression ...
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This depression can occur anywhere from weeks to months after childbirth.

4) Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): This type of depression occur only in winter climates, likely due to the lack of sunlight. It usually lifts in spring

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5) Atypical Depression: A common sign of this depression is a sense of heaviness in the arms & legs like a form of paralysis. Recent studies shows that over eating & over sleeping are the most imp symptoms. This may cause people to weight gain, irritability and....

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... and have relationship problems. Other features include low mood reactivity (ability to feel better when something good happens) & a pattern of being sensitive to rejection.

6) Psychotic Depression: Psychosis- a mental state characterized by disorganized thinking ..
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...or thinking or behavior; false beliefs known as delusions; or false sights or sounds, knowns as hallucinations. People with this type of depression may become catatonic, not speak or leave their bed

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7) Premenstrual Dysphoric Depression (PMDD): This is a type of depression that affects woman during their menstrual cycle. Symptoms include mood swings, anxiety & depression. Unlike PMS, PMDD is more severe.

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8) Bipolar disorder: If your periods of extreme lows are followed by periods of extreme highs, you could've BPD(a type of depression previously knowns as manic depressive disorder bec symptoms can alternate between mania & depression). Symptoms of mania may include....
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..high energy, excitements, racing thoughts & poor judgements. Symptoms can cycle between depression & mania a few times per year or much ore rapidly. This disorder has ONE OF THE MOST HIGHEST RISKS FOR SUICIDE.

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9) Situational Disorder: Also known as adjustment disorder,is triggered by a stressful or life changing events such as job loss, the death of a loved one, trauma or even a bad breakup. Symptoms may include extreme sadness, worry or nervousness & if they don't go away...
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..they may become warning signs of major depression.

Guys! Read carefully all types & analyze if YOU (or your loved one) has any of the symptoms of above depression. May Allah heal every illness if anyone of you're suffering. Ameen. ❤🤲🏻
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