Thread: To mark 100 Days til Election Day & #Mayathon Mon 7/27, I'm highlighting Black women on the ballot. I'm joining @mayatcontreras Monday 9PM EST to discuss Black women candidates & the unique challenges they face. 1/
PS-Subscribe to Maya's YT channel
Marie Claire has one of the most comprehensive listings of Black women and men running for office in 2020. It is organized by state with quick access links to learn more about each candidates. I will highlight several Black women running in this thread. 2/
I want to shout out a few Black political orgs helping get Black candidates elected. @HigherHeights supports Black women & @CollectivePAC supports Black men and women running for office. Both organizations have winning track records building a pipeline of Black electeds. 3/
In order to support the pipeline of Black electeds, we can't forget the most important step: VOTING! @votedotorg is a comprehensive one stop with all the voting tools you need. Bonus points for it being an organization lead by Black women. 4/ 
If you are a Black candidate who has made the November ballot & would like a chance to to appear on my #UnbossedUnfilteredLive broadcast (M-F 5PM EST), contact me at [email protected]. I'll try to feature as many candidates as I can. 
Congresswoman Lauren Underwood (US IL-14) is running for re-election in a still very much purple district. See ⬇️ on how you can support her campaign. #BlackWomenLead 6/
Congresswoman Lucy McBath (US GA-06) won her seat in a red district and has a TOUGH re-election fight. See ⬇️ on how you can support her campaign. She also has a new merchandise store! #BlackWomenLead 7/
Sidebar: This thread is not an invitation to air grievances with these candidates or trash people. It's fine if you don't support a particular person, but go be negative somewhere else if you feel compelled to do so. Thank you for being respectful of my time and effort.
Congresswoman Jahana Hayes, who has been particularly strong on education, is gearing up for her 1st re-election (US CT-05). See ⬇️ on how you can support her campaign. #BlackWomenLead
Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley is one of the strongest new voices in Congress and she is running for re-election (US MA-07). See ⬇️ on how you can support her campaign. #BlackWomenLead
Red to Blue:
Desiree Tims is running to flip the US OH-10 seat blue. See ⬇️ on how you can support her campaign. #BlackWomenLead
Red to Blue:
Jackie Gordon is running to flip the US NY-02 seat blue. See ⬇️ on how you can support her campaign. #BlackWomenLead
Red to Blue:
Melissa Watson is running to flip the US SC-07 seat blue. See ⬇️ on how you can support her campaign. #BlackWomenLead
Red to Blue:
Patricia (Pat) Timmons-Goodson is running to flip US NC-08 Blue. See ⬇️ on how you can support her campaign. #BlackWomenLead
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